We’ve have been obsessing over adult coloring books for more than year. While our children allow us to color as adults without judgement they’re pretty sure we need to stay in the lines and not stray. Thanks to the renaissance of coloring books, and the genius who helped to create adult coloring books, we are obsessed. Our local craft and bookstores has filled our shelves with coloring books, but we are hunting something new. Today, we’re over at Etsy checking out the latest adult coloring books produced on a small scale.
Adult Coloring Books
Get out your colored pencils and markers and go to town coloring the brand new Coloring Book Volume #3 traveler’s notebook insert by YellowPaperHouse! This coloring book inset goes into your Midori Style Traveler’s notebooks, which means you can take them anywhere. We’re picturing large latte’s filled with caramel and an extended coloring sesh at our local coffee shop!
If you’re looking for intricate details, check out PaisleyandHazel’s Animal Coloring Book. Made for kids and adults who are looking for coloring books with that extra attention to detail. This book is an alphabet animal coloring book- meaning each page features one letter of the alphabet and an animal that starts with that letter. Example: A- alpaca, B- butterfly, C- chameleon, etc.
ChickenPantsStudio has created the Flat Faced Friends Pug and French Bulldog Adult Coloring Book. Flat Faced Friends is an adult coloring book that features 30 original illustrations of pugs and French bulldogs to color. Go ahead and color our feels as warm and fuzzy.
LightBurstMedia has created an adult coloring book digital download for those of us who can’t wait for the postman to deliver their purchases. This Magical Unicorns and Fairies coloring book is for anyone who loves fantasy, unicorns, or fairies. Grab your colored pencils or favorite markers and create a magical realm in your favorite coloring spot.
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