4 Quick Valentine’s Day Crafts

It’s never too late to get your craft on and here at Straight Up Crafty we know that some of the best gifts can be made at the last minute! These sweet Valentine’s Day crafts don’t require much planning- just a few basic supplies and a few minutes of your day! So get your craft on for more fabulous items to share with your loved ones! After all, no one ever said being crafty had to be hard! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Radiating Hearts Valentine Card

For the love of baked goods: Pinterest’s Trendiest Food Valentine’s Day Pins

Ah, Pinterest. You create hope that my life could be filled gorgeous handmade things as I create pin board after pin board for holidays, items for my home, delectable recipes and more while providing a mental respite thanks to all the pretty that appears on your pages.

Since Lisa and I have already professed a love of baked goods, these five food beauties are pure eye candy. Oh, and they’re part of the top ten trendiest Valentine’s Day Pins on Pinterest. Can you say yum?

Red Velvet Cookies


Heart-Shaped Fruit 


Frosting-Coated Wafers

